Do you want to hide your scar?
If you choose to conceal your scar with a tattoo, make sure the scar has completely healed. The healing process usually takes up to 18 months to 2 years, so getting a tattoo over your scar should not be done before that time. It is important to note that tattooing over your scar will not change the texture of the scar or make it disappear. If you decide to get a tattoo, it is crucial to choose an experienced tattoo artist who has worked on people with similar scars. Ask to see photos of their previous work covering scars before scheduling your tattoo appointment. Additionally, be aware that the scar may not hold the ink, and inquire whether the initial tattoo price includes any subsequent visits.
After six weeks following your surgery, once your stitches have been removed and you have received clearance from your doctor, we suggest you begin moisturizing and gently massaging your scars using a non-perfumed moisturizer. This practice helps soften and hydrate the scar tissue and promoting healing.
It is normal for scars to appear pink and change color depending on temperature variations. They may appear red when you are hot and purple when you are cold. Over time, these color changes will gradually fade. However, if your scar becomes firm, red, raised, and itchy, it could indicate the beginning of hypertrophic scarring, which can sometimes develop within the first three months after surgery. Until your scar has fully matured and become pale and inactive (around two years), it should be protected from sun exposure.
Several factors influence how your scars will heal, including your diet, the presence of infection, healing time, past history of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and your genetic predisposition to scarring. Non-surgical treatments are available to improve the texture and color of scars. These include Scar Tissue Massage by and experienced Scar Tissue Massage Therapist, moisturizing , using silicone creams, silicone dressings, and pressure garments. It is important to remember that scarring can take up to two years to settle down, be patient and try not to rush the healing process. You can make yourself more comfortable by doing regular massage, keeping your scar moisturized and protected from the sun.
(Note: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not replace professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.)